16:17 18 июля 2015 г.

TSU scientist is creating first Russian software for heart monitoring

© сайт Томского государственного университета

TOMSK, July 18 – RIA Tomsk. The scientist of Tomsk State University (TSU) is working on creation of algorithm which will form the basis of the first Russian computer program capable to determine by sounds, whether bronchopulmonary and cardiovascular systems work normal, is reported on the website of higher education institution.

It is noted that the problem of late diagnosis of diseases of cardiovascular and respiratory systems is very actual for Russia.

"Results of my operation can be used as a part of the medical software complexes providing the continuous monitoring of a status of cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary systems of the person. I develop an algorithm and software which will allow to estimate patient's condition, analyzing sounds of his/her heart and breathing", – the press service quotes the author of the project Dmitry Zhdanov.

It is added that the program will allow to record, and then to analyze information about an organism status. The equipment won't hold down movement of a patient and influence the surrounding conditions because just small number of sensors will be necessary.

According to the higher education institution the Tomsk program will be able to work in inexpensive and simple medical devices. Removal of indications will go in real time that will allow to learn about risks for the patient in time: for example, in case of a syndrome of respiratory standstill the equipment will be able to notify his/her relatives and a doctor. It is emphasized that similar devices are actively developed in the world; such instruments are not produced in Russia.

It is added that operations are carried together with practicing doctors. The project of Zhdanov won competition on receiving a grant of the Russian President for young scientists and graduate students in 2015.

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