13:36 7 сентября 2015 г.

Tomsk scientists created "without driver" toy car for pupils’ training

© РИА Томск. Павел Стефанский

TOMSK, Sep 8 – RIA Tomsk. The Tomsk Company "Elecard" plans to issue the first version of the training toy equipped with technical vision for seniors and students by the end of 2015, the CEO of the company Victor Shirshin told.

According to him, many companies and scientists use technical vision for cars in developments, it helps cars to move without a driver and to react to a road situation independently .  the Google self-driving car goes on roads of the State of Nevada in the USA in which such technologies are applied.

"We create a system of technical vision for similar cars. Now it is developed in the form of a toy for seniors and students. It is the operating toy car with a video camera which goes on the improvised roads, reacts to traffic lights, road signs, obstacles. We plan to issue the first version at the end of 2015", – Shirshin told.

© РИА Томск. Павел Стефанский
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He explained that one more development of the Elecard Company is used in creation of this educational game.

"We presented glassesless 3D-TV before. This development wasn't widely used, but it wasn't waste of time. We apply its part to technical vision: the software is used for creation of a 3D map of surroundings that self-propelled devices could be guided in space", – the interlocutor of the agency told.

The Elecard Company was founded in 1988, conducts development in the field of digital radio telecasting and stream video which are used by world leaders of the branch. It is engaged in creation of software for coding, transfer and reception of video and audio in various formats.

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