21:01 25 декабря 2015 г.

TPU constructed a robot-deer from their own meccano set

© с сайта ТПУ

TOMSK, Dec 25 – RIA Tomsk. Scientists of Yurga institute of technology of Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) created the meccano set for assembly of robots, which is possible to use for assembling a speaking deer, a dog, a welding robot and the a sumo fighter, the press service of the higher education institution reported on Friday.

According to the press service, the meccano set on assembly of robots is named Zizibot. The decision to create the meccano set appeared after studying of the popular robot meccano set of LegoMindstorm, which functionality seemed to them to be limited, as it had only three possible position of a robot.

"We decided to make own meccano set. Plexiglas and plywood is a basis, and s "stuffing" is the open platform Arduino. Despite such simple details, we taught the platform to operate 12 degrees of freedom of robots" at the same time, - the press service quotes one of the developers Mikhail Momot.

It is added that the scientists developed some original models, which can be assembled from the meccano set; they are a robot deer, a robodog, a welding robot and a sumo fighter. Each of samples possesses unique opportunities; in particular, the robot deer is able to bypass obstacles independently, to orientate in space and to talk.

It is noted that now the developers look for a way to teach to listen and answer questions. In addition, the developers emphasize that the robot is simple in assembly and does not demand knowledge of robotics.

As Momot specified, the cost of the set will make about 3 thousand rubles, that is cheaper than foreign analogs by six-seven times, however, so far developers don't plan industrial production of the set. Everyone will be able to buy the set or an assembled robot by agreement with the producers.

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