17:16 24 октября 2017 г.

Tomsk software will help the British to pay a fare with a bank card

© РИА Томск. Павел Стефанский

TOMSK, Oct 24 – RIA Tomsk. Programmers from Tomsk took part in the development of a payment system for public transport in Britain using bank cards; the new system allows to refuse transport cards and use a bank card as the transport pass, the innovative portal of the Tomsk region informs on Tuesday.

It is specified that in the development of the settlement system in British public transport participated employees of the Tomsk office of the MultiPass British company. This is the second experience of cooperation between Tomsk citizens and British transport workers. In 2015, they created the world's first solution for the railroad based on Bluetooth indicators – this technology was used to create a pass system for transportation. The project did not go to the stage of commercialization, but it was continued.

"The British system of payment for transport – is one of the most complex in the world. The prices are quite high, therefore the subway, for example, is divided into six tariff zones: the fee depends on from where and where you are going ... Our system allows to refuse transport cards and use a bank card as the transport pass", – the portal quotes the head of the MultiPass Tomsk office Alexander Baranov.

© РИА Томск. Павел Стефанский
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He said that a software product developed in Tomsk allows using bank cards with the support of NFC contactless technology as a universal ticket for any type of transport.

"In the pilot project participate passengers who registered their bank cards with the support of NFC contactless technology on our site, but in the fall, everyone who has a card with NFC will be able to pay for a fare through the new system", – Baranov explains.

It is specified that now the pilot projects of the payment system are launched in a number of localities in England to approve the solution both in the city and in suburban transport. The next step will be the launch of the project in major cities, and in 2018 the system will include rail transport, thus allowing the bank card to be converted into a multi-modal travel ticket.

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