15:04 25 марта 2018 г.

Tomsk football school Junior opened branch in Los Angeles

© предоставлено Александром Семенцовым

TOMSK, Mar 25 – RIA Tomsk, Elena Taylasheva. Football school "Junior" opened the first branch in the USA – in Los Angeles, the group of 34 children is already formed; thus, the brand, which arose in Tomsk, is present at 17 countries now, the director of network of schools Junior Alexander Sementsov reported to RIA Tomsk.

Earlier it was reported that the football school "Junior" appeared in Tomsk in 2013. Now several tens of thousands of children study soccer in the international network. Los Angeles became the 216th city where the branch of school was opened.

"Class were started by 34 children, four trainers will instruct them. The school is in the sports center Valley Soccer Center in Los Angeles. Trainings will take place under the open sky – the climate of California disposes to it! It is interesting that there was a half of boys, a half – girls in the American group whereas, for example, in Russia we train 99% of boys", – Sementsov reported.

According to him, the age became other difference of the American contingent of school: if in Russia preschool children are in "Junior" (and at school pass, as a rule, into the free system of sports school), then in America it is about 10 years old children are engaged generally. The subscription price is 250 dollars a month.

"If in Russia 20% of the population are able to afford a monthly payment in 80 dollars, then in the USA the subscription at the cost of 250 dollars is available practically to each family. Therefore America is a priority market for us, and the school in Los Angeles is opened not as a franchize with which many schools of "Junior" work, and is our own", – Sementsov told.

He reported that now the sales department is formed in Los Angeles specially for the American market, having specified also that "Junior" is positioned not as the Russian brand and as international: now it is presented in 17 countries, including Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei. Approximately, at the end of March the school will begin work in Nigeria.

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