13:08 24 апреля 2018 г.

Human genome sewing courses for students to be held in Tomsk

© РИА Томск. Таисия Воронцова

TOMSK, Apr 24 – RIA Tomsk. The international conference of students, graduate students and young scientists "Prospects of Fundamental Sciences Development" opens in Tomsk on Tuesday; experts will tell youth how to build modern settlements, organize personal financial strategy and also will conduct "Human genome sewing courses", is reported on the event website.

According to the website, the conference will be the 15th in a row and will last until April 27. Its activities are divided into seven sections and directions: physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology and basic medicine, economics and management, construction and architecture, IT and electronics.

"Plenary lectures: "Computer design of new superconducting materials", "Human genome sewing courses", "Planning life from A to B", "Personal financial strategy: for students from former student", "Designing a modern village", "Inflammation: a friend or an enemy of a tumor", - such lecture topics are announced on the conference website.

In total, the program has several dozen lectures. Also at the conference there will be contests for students, graduate students and young scientists: Art&Science Challenge, open competition of student projects "Playing Tag", business battle "Digital revolution: threats or opportunities", competition of architectural projects "Red lines".

The events of the conference will be held at the venues of scientific museums and universities, in particular in Classical (TSU), Polytechnic (TPU), Architectural and Construction (TSUAB) universities, and also at Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR).

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