15:04 20 октября 2018 г.

Tomsk residents develop application for speech recovery after stroke

© РИА Томск. Павел Стефанский

TOMSK, Oct 20 – RIA Tomsk. Tomsk company ENBISYS together with Kemerovo State University began application programming which will help to train a brain in a condition of aphasia – at local absence or violation of speech; as the director of the company Dmitry Bubnov told RIA Tomsk, about 300 thousand Russian patients can become users of the application.

Restoration of functions of a brain

"Together with the Kemerovo State University we began application programming for smartphones and a web application for doctors who will help in treatments of patients with aphasia – local absence or violation of the speech caused by organic lesion of the speech regions of a cerebral cortex as a result of injuries of a head, tumors, strokes. It will be the first similar product in Russia", – Bubnov reported.

According to him, drug treatment is used at severe forms of aphasia, but it more likely supporting. Doctors are engaged in restoration of functions by means of a set of exercises which train certain sites of a brain instead of lost because of a disease or a trauma. Exercises are simple for a healthy person, but demand efforts from a sick one:

© предоставил Дмитрий Бубнов
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"For example, it is necessary to pick up a correct sound from offered to a picture with a door: a doorbell, take-off of a plane, phone call, and it is necessary to separate all this from a background sound of a sea surf. The problem is that about 300 thousand people have aphasia in Russia, and the doctors who are engaged in restoration of functions of a brain aren't enough – about 15 to all Siberia, generally they are concentrated in Kemerovo", – Bubnov told.

According to him, there was also an idea to create an available application for mobile when a system offers a patient individual content in playful way by means of adaptive algorithms of programming. Also it is planned to make a web application for doctors.

Fast progress

"The technique will be possible to apply at home under a supervision of a family or medical community. Of course, individual consultations will be necessary, but will be more rare, progress will be big at the same time. Now experts of KSU generalize data for us. Considering that ENBISYS has wide experience of development of medical systems for Europe, we will be able to create an application prototype within half a year", – Bubnov emphasized.

According to him, Italian and Spanish smartphones applications for treatment of aphasia cost about 20 thousand rubles in Europe. There is no such solvent market in Russia, but a social order can be realized through compulsory health insurance fund or programs of the Ministry of Health.

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