17:02 6 февраля 2020 г.

TSU launch popular scientific online podcasts "Pump up the Neuron"

© РИА Томск. Таисия Воронцова

TOMSK, Feb 6 – RIA Tomsk. Tomsk State University (TSU) launched a new online project – a series of popular-scientific podcasts "Pump up the Neuron"; the first issue was published on Thursday, February 6, in the official group of TSU VKontakte, the head of the TSU information policy department Julia Emer told journalists.

She said that the “Pump up the Neuron” ("Качай нейрон") online project – is a series of podcasts from scientists of Tomsk State University. A new episode is released every Thursday in the official group of the university in VKontakte and on Yandex.Music. The first podcast, on whether Thor’s hammer is possible to be created, was released on February, 6.

"In our podcasts researchers tell not only about their scientific achievements, but ... about related things: how to choose a scientific career ... And even about the folklore that, for example, biologists and geologists have. It's a wonderful story – a scientist with a human face", – Emer said at a press conference in the RIA Tomsk media center.

© РИА Томск. Павел Стефанский
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She added that the genres of podcasts will be very different – interviews, conversations, lectures. Scientists will talk about physics, linguistics, biophotonics, other scientific fields and even talk about whether it is possible to create a lightsaber in the laboratory.

"Tomsk – is a special city where the scientific and educational complex plays a very important role. I am often asked the question why such a smart city, where the intellectual potential per square centimeter is off scale, need the popularization of science ... We need everyone to raise the general level for scientific literacy, only then can we be at the frontier", – she said.

At the press conference, the university announced the first eight issues of the project, but, as Emer clarified RIA Tomsk, much more is planned: "We have a lot (podcasts are planned). In fact, we have 23 laboratories that recorded four podcasts each".

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