22:34 1 октября 2020 г.

Tomsk methodology to determine oncological diseases by exhalation

© сайт ТНИМЦ

TOMSK, Oct 1 – RIA Tomsk. Scientists of the Tomsk Cancer Research Institute together with colleagues from Tomsk State University (TSU) have developed a sample gas analyzer that will allow to detect malignant neoplasms of the larynx and lungs by exhalation, reported on the website of the Tomsk National Research Medical Center (NRMC).

"Tomsk scientists have created a gas analyzer for the diagnosis of cancer ... The sensor system of diagnostics based on samples of exhaled air will allow detecting malignant neoplasms of the larynx and lungs at an early stage and promptly select people in need of a detailed examination", - says the message.

It is specified that a sample of a gas analyzer - a sensor gas analysis system consisting of a set of semiconductor sensors and implementing algorithms for neural network data processing - was developed within the framework of a grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation by scientists of the Cancer Research Institute of the Tomsk National Research Medical Center and their colleagues from the laboratory of chemical technologies of TSU.

© сайт ТНИМЦ
Sample gas analyzer

It is explained that during the work on the project, scientists examined samples of exhaled air obtained from 104 patients aged 22 to 95 years with various types and stages of malignant neoplasms of the mucous membrane of the upper and lower lips, oral cavity, tongue, larynx and lungs. The subjects were divided into two groups: patients with a confirmed cancer and without it.

Benefits of the new system

With reference to the project manager, director of the Cancer Research Institute Evgeny Choynzonov it is reported that a feature of the new system is efficiency and the elimination of the human factor's influence on the results. In addition, this diagnostic method is cheaper and more mobile in comparison with such methods and devices as computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography (MRI, CT, PET).

“Taking into account the known diagnostic value of such accurate and expensive diagnostic methods as computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, the indicators of sensitivity and specificity of the sensor gas analytical system achieved during the study clearly reflect the prospects of this technique”, - Choynzonov is quoted in the message.

Screening of tumor processes of a wide contingent of the population will allow at an early stage to select those in need of a detailed examination using traditional diagnostic methods, which will lead to a functional-sparing treatment while maintaining a high quality of life, the message added.

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