22:11 9 ноября 2020 г.

TSU and TPU set single minimum scores for applicants in 2021

© РИА Томск. Павел Стефанский

TOMSK, Nov 9 – RIA TomskTomsk State University (TSU) and Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) will accept applicants in 2021 on the same scale of minimum scores in general subjects, the executive secretary of the TSU admission committee Evgeny Pavlov said on Monday in a live broadcast.

Earlier it was reported that since 2021 the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation will change the procedure for admission to universities. Some of the new rules are introduced centrally for all higher educational institutions, while some universities are chosen for themselves. So, in TSU, the second wave of enrollment is canceled from 2021. Also, applicants will be able to specify in the application upon admission up to 10 directions. New admission rules and minimum points for applicants were previously approved by TSUAB.

As Pavlov said, the established minimum scores for most subjects will be lower than in the admissions campaign in 2020, but will exceed the minimum set by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. For the convenience of applicants and admissions committees, within the framework of cooperation between TSU and TPU at the Big University, the scores for applicants to both Tomsk universities will be the same.

"We decided with our partners, colleagues, Tomsk Polytechnic University to go here together and have established a single scale of minimum scores, that is, when entering Tomsk Polytechnic University and Tomsk State University, the minimum scores are absolutely the same", - the expert said.

The minimum number of scores in 2021 will be: 56 - in the Russian language, 53 - in computer science and information and communication technologies, 50 - in geography, literature and foreign languages; 48 - in chemistry and social studies, 45 - in mathematics, physics, biology and history.

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