15:00 2 сентября 2021 г.

ASU Rector complains about the outflow of applicants to Tomsk in 2021

© РИА Томск. Алена Палехова

TOMSK, Sep 2 – RIA Tomsk. Altai State University (ASU) during the admission campaign 2021/2022, which was held in one wave, competed not with universities in the region but with the region's neighbours Tomsk and Novosibirsk as well as Moscow and St Petersburg, where applicants eventually applied for the "final" consent to study, ASU Rector Sergey Bocharov told.

Earlier it was reported that all universities of the Russian Federation had increased the number of state-funded places for 2021/2022, with Tomsk universities increasing the number of places by 24.3% (by almost 4,000). The admission campaign for universities of the Russian Federation began on June 20 and ended on August 31. For the first time, admission was in one wave, during which applicants had to make a final decision about their place of study.

"Until the very end of the admission campaign, it was not clear where one would leave consent. We faced stiff competition, and not from within the region, but from Tomsk, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg, and Moscow. It came to the point that an applicant in the range of 180-200 points said: "I take away my admission consent, because I'm going to Tomsk", – Rector of Altai State University Bocharov said on Thursday at a press conference on the results of the admission campaign.

© РИА Томск. Алена Палехова
Rector of Altai State University Sergey Bocharov
Earlier it was reported that this year Tomsk State University is the leader in the number of state-funded places among Tomsk universities (3.8 thousand places). According to the Head of the TSU New Recruitment Department Evgeny Pavlov, who attended the press conference, this year TSU has received 10,276 applications (22% more than in 2020). The number of olympiad students has also increased (from 109 in 2020 to 155 this year), with an average USE score of 81.

© РИА Томск. Алена Палехова
Press conference on the results of the admission campaign in Siberian universities. Head of the TSU New Recruitment Department Evgeny Pavlov
According to TPU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Mikhail Solovyov, the state-funded admission targets for Tomsk Polytechnic University have also been increased this year (by 865 people to 3,671), including a 666 state-funded increase in the number of full-time students.

"The number of applications to TPU was the same as last year (6,808), but there was a very strong increase in bachelor's and specialist's degree programs – almost 2,000 more. The average USE score dropped slightly to 74.01. This is to be expected, one of the problems – a challenge for all technical universities – is physics, the number of students taking this subject is decreasing, this is a serious problem", – said the vice-rector.

© РИА Томск. Алена Палехова
Press conference on the results of the admission campaign in Siberian universities. TPU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Mikhail Solovyov.

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