17:55 23 ноября 2021 г.

Sibirskiy Titan to invest another 3 bln rub in its production at SCP

© РИА Томск. Михаил Голубев

TOMSK, Nov 23 – RIA Tomsk. Sibirskiy Titan company, a resident of Seversk Priority Social and Economic Development Area (PSEDA), to quadruple investments into titanium dioxide production at the Siberian Chemical Plant (SCP) after successful launch of the pilot line and meet up to 30% of Russian market demand, RIA Tomsk reports from the round table for potential investors.

Earlier it was reported that Sibirskiy Titan company (Siberian Titanium) became the first resident of the Seversk PSEDA in 2019. The enterprise was planned to produce titanium dioxide, a product for the paint, plastics and paper industries, on the vacant space of SCP. The company was expected to invest about 1 billion rubles into the new production, which would create 44 new jobs.

On Tuesday, International Cultural Centre of Tomsk Polytechnic University hosted a round table discussion for businessmen who might become residents of the Seversk PSEDA. The meeting was organized by Atom-TOR, the operator of all the PSEDAs that have been established in cities where Rosatom has a presence.

"The Russian market (of titanium dioxide) currently consumes 110-120 thousand tons. On the first stage of our project we are planning to produce 10 thousand tons in 2024... If everything works as we plan, further we will scale up to 30 thousand tons – i.e. up to 30% of the Russian market," Director General of Sibirskiy Titan Andrey Tyutyukov said.

Nikolay Pegin, General Director of AO Atom-TOR, added that after receiving a pilot batch of the product and additional market analysis, Sibirskiy Titan decided to increase the amount of investment up to 4 billion rubles.

According to the SPARK-Interfax information and analytical system, OOO Sibirskiy Titan registered in 2017 in Seversk, is 25% owned by SCP and 75% by Davinci, a Moscow-based venture capital holding company. The PSEDA resident's registered capital is 328 million rubles and its net assets were estimated at 287 million at the end of 2020.

Earlier it was reported that in 2019 the Russian authorities established a PSEDA in Seversk specializing in high-tech chemistry, medical industry, nuclear materials, engineering and IT. Each resident who invests at least 10 million rubles in production receives benefits: social insurance contributions – 7.6% instead of 30%, profit tax – 5% instead of 20%. Currently, there are 15 residents registered in the PSEDA.


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