19:30 16 декабря 2021 г.

Tomsk universities with partners to create small spacecraft

© РИА Томск. Павел Стефанский

TOMSK, Dec 16 – RIA Tomsk. Three Tomsk universities joined the cycle of small spacecraft production together with other Russian universities and Information Satellite Systems engaged in the creation of communication, broadcasting, navigation and geodesy spacecraft, Rector of Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR) Victor Rulevsky told.

According to the RIA Tomsk correspondent from the scene, six organizations signed the agreement on Thursday: Tomsk Polytechnic and Tomsk State Universities (TPU, TSU), TUSUR, Baltic State Technical University Voenmeh (BSTU, St. Petersburg), Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology (SibSAU, Krasnoyarsk) and Academician M.F. Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems company (ISS).

"Such cooperation will enable us all to organize a single cycle for the development and manufacture of small spacecraft. Our common task is to speed up the process of developing Russian small spacecraft, because each university has its own strong scientific schools, and by combining these competences we can create an integrated unified small spacecraft", – Rulevsky explained.

© РИА Томск. Павел Стефанский
Victor Rulevsky, Rector of TUSUR
He said that, for its part, TUSUR will deal with power supply systems for flying spacecraft and transceiver modules, TPU will produce the hull and test for radiation resistance, and TSU will deal with big data processing systems. Colleagues from SibSAU will work on payloads and digital processing elements inside the satellite, while those from BSTU will work on mechanics.

In turn, the industrial partner, according to the interlocutor of the agency, will accompany the universities throughout the manufacturing cycle of small spacecraft and provide a test base, as well as take certain obligations on the launch of finished vehicles into space.

"We set a goal for ourselves to launch new training programs in 2022. TUSUR's space technology area is included in the Priority 2030 university's development strategy. This is a key project for us. We have plans to create new technologies, develop appliances and devices, and on their basis, we will prepare new educational programs and courses for targeted training of talented developers and engineers", – Rulevsky noted.


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