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4:58 PM  December 8, 2015

TSU scientists created camouflage hiding people from infrared scanners

© РИА Томск. Павел СтефанскийTSU scientists created camouflage hiding people from infrared scanners

TOMSK, Dec 8 – RIA Tomsk. Scientists of Tomsk State University (TSU) developed camouflage material which merges with environment not only in visible, but also in an infrared range that, for example, will allow soldiers to become imperceptible for infrared scanners, the press service of the higher education institution reported on Tuesday.

"The group of scientists of the Siberian physics and technology institute developed the material allowing object to merge with the environment in the infrared spectral range as much as possible. The masking effect is provided at the expense of special structure of the camouflage which reflective ability is arranged under any background", – it is told in the message.

It is specified that camouflage materials usually "hide" object in visible part of a range of electromagnetic radiation. And it is necessary to approach radiation from object to the background radiation of the environment to hide it in an infrared range – for example, from means of thermovision. TSU scientists managed to reach it at the expense of special structure of material.

According to the press service, the inside layer of the camouflage is made of the heat-insulating material Pyrogel XT and reduces thermal radiation. The material of the intermediate layer has cooling properties. The external layer from PFCA (Petryanov's filter cellulose acetate) with inclusion of nanoparticles maintaining temperature to + 150 degrees provides the minimum difference of radiation thanks to what the object becomes "invisible".

"Thus, the objects allocating heat can be protected from the systems of detection using natural or artificial illumination. <…> The development can be used, for example, at production of overalls for hunters or soldiers. The research group took out the patent for the invention", – it was added in the higher education institution.

It is noted that the prime cost of the new product promises to be rather low. "The most part of the components for this camouflage is available on free sale. The only expensive and labor-intensive component in it is material PFCA with the introduced nanoparticles which production requires a special equipment", – it is explained in the message.

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