© Дмитрий Цехановский TOMSK, Apr 5 – RIA Tomsk. Scientists of Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU)
will develop the software, which will allow to define type of pulmonary
tuberculosis by 3D-tomography; work on the project will go within a grant of
the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), the press service of the
higher education institution reports.
© с сайта ТПУ
Earlier it was reported that more than 50 Tomsk projects have got support
of the Russian Federal Property Fund in 2016. The total amount of financing
will make 57,7 million rubles, including 28,85 million from the Fund, 3,8
million rubles from regional treasury.
It is specified that the Russian Federal Property Fund has supported the
TPU project "Software Analysis of MRT-images for Diagnostics of Pulmonary
Tuberculosis Form using High-performance Computing". By means of the
development it will be possible to see three-dimensional structure of a lung
and to classify type of tuberculosis of pulmonary fabric. The scientists expect
to develop the software until the end of 2016.
"It is planned that the software will be used by the Tomsk pulmonology
medical center of the city hospital No. 3, which has a special tomograph for
obtaining images of a computer tomography", – the project manager, the
associate professor of optimization of control systems of Institute of
cybernetics Sergey Aksenov is quoted in the massage.
It is added that the app will be able to show a condition of patients in
dynamics, to look for similar diagnostic cases and to select optimum methods of
therapy, and also to estimate efficiency of treatment. Moreover, databases of
patients, tomograms and search archive of similar cases of diseases will be
loaded into the app.
Earlier it was reported that the scientists of Institute of cybernetics of
Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) will develop the international Internet
portal for placement of results of medical experience on treatment of
tuberculosis and exchange of experience with doctors of other countries. Now
the portal is tested.