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6:04 PM  January 6, 2022

Young FC Tom players will play in the youth league from 2022

© РИА Томск. Павел СтефанскийYoung FC Tom players will play in the youth league from 2022

TOMSK, Jan 6 – RIA Tomsk. Tom football school has received the status of academy and in 2022 the juniors will take part in the Russian Youth Football League (YFL); the Russian Football Union has allocated 42 million rubles for the development of the Tom academy, FC Tom press officer Sergey Simonov told RIA Tomsk.

Earlier it was reported that in 2020 the Tomsk region signed an agreement with the Russian Football Union and the Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation on cooperation and interaction in the development of football. In particular, it was assumed that FC Tom would receive the status of a football academy and become a regional centre of the Russian Football Union.

"Starting from 2022, we - the Tom football academy - will play in the UFL. In particular, this is what the Russian Football Union funds for our academy were allocated for... A Russian Football Union representative has already come to us and approved the Trud and Temp stadiums for matches," said Simonov, specifying that the Russian Football Union has allocated to FC Tom 42 million rubles for the development.

According to him FC Tom is currently involved in the training of players born between 2005 and 2014.

According to public sources, the Russian Youth Football League (YFL) is the championship among young academy players of professional football clubs in Russia. The league brings together players of different ages. In the new season the games will be played in two rounds - home and away, in two divisions - "North-West" and "Far East": two halves of 40 minutes each. The winners of the inter-regional YFL will play in the final of the championship of the Russian Federation.

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