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5:56 PM  December 27, 2021

TSU and 17 other unis create League to promote education in pandemic

© РИА Томск. Павел СтефанскийTSU and 17 other unis create League to promote education in pandemic

TOMSK, Dec 27 – RIA Tomsk. Tomsk State University (TSU) and 17 other Russian universities will create a league to work on improving the quality of higher education under COVID-19 conditions, the press service of TSU said on Monday.

"Tomsk State University and another 17 leading Russian universities, which worked <...> on the project "Scientific and methodological support of higher education quality management system development in conditions of <...> COVID-19 and after it", will create the League of universities ready to introduce new principles and technologies to ensure the quality of educational results," the statement said.

According to the press service, the idea of creating the League of universities was proposed at the international conference "Educational ecosystems: a condition for a new quality of education and a resource for development", where universities shared their experience in managing the quality of higher education under the pandemic.

"We found out the state of the problem of the quality of educational results at present in different universities, correlated the data with the content and management conditions that were created in universities during the transition to the mixed model of education...", Director of the TSU Institute of Education Elena Sukhanova is quoted in the report.

According to her, initially the universities of the league will apply the results obtained in their activities. Later – to spread their experience to other universities, inviting universities to join the league.

"The task of such a University league will be to provide a solution constructor from which a set of solutions can be assembled for each particular university – the one that it needs and that is important to it, depending on its profile. Each university will be able to choose its own further movement within its strategy for changing the situation with the quality of education," says the report.

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