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10:43 AM  April 4, 2016

Schipkov will head the NRNU MEPhI Institute in Seversk

Черкасова Екатерина
© РИА Томск. Павел СтефанскийSchipkov will head the NRNU MEPhI Institute in Seversk

TOMSK, Apr 4 – RIA Tomsk. The former head of the regional department of general education Alexander Schipkov from Monday will serve as the head of Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (STI NRNU MEPhI), has informed RIA Tomsk the previous head of the educational institution Alexander Zhiganov.

Earlier it was informed that the governor Sergey Zhvachkin in the end of February has sacked the head of the regional department of general education Alexander Schipkov and has appointed to this post the director of Tomsk school №40 Irina Grabtsevich. After that Shchipkov had to go to work in Tomsk State Pedagogical University, where he would take up the issue of a staff shortages in municipal unions and retraining of teachers.

"He (Schipkov ) all the same has a special technical education, he always had attitude to work in nuclear branch, and I have offered (rector NRNU MEPhI) to appoint him as the head of our institute as I wrote a letter of resignation", – Zhiganov has told.

He has explained that Shchipkov before the appointment as the acting head of STI NRNU MEPhI, held at the institute a position of the first deputy head. New responsibilities he will begin to execute from Monday. The previous head of the institute Alexander Zhiganov headed the institution for 29 years.

Alexander Schipkov was born in Tomsk, in 1984 graduated from Tomsk Polytechnic Institute, candidate of technical sciences. From 1984 to 1991 he worked in TPU. From 1991 to 2002 – a teacher, and then the dean of Seversk Technological Institute. From 2002 to 2010 - the head of Seversk department of education. From 2010 to 2011 – deputy head on study of STI NRNU MEPhI. From October, 2011 till the end of February, 2016 - the head of the regional department of general education.

Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI was established in July, 1959. Among the areas of the scientific activity of the institute are technology and devices of nuclear and chemical industries, electrical engineer and industrial automation, mathematical modelling of technological processes and socio-economic and humanities researches.

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