17 июня 2024  |  
3:31 PM  October 12, 2015

TPU scientists show "robot-teacher" and pocket cardiograph in Israel

© сайт ТПУTPU scientists show robot-teacher and pocket cardiograph in Israel

TOMSK, Oct 12 – RIA Tomsk. Scientists of Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) who developed "robot-teacher" and pocket cardiograph have training in Israel; polyticians will meet the head of Robotic association of Israel and pass business trainings from leading enterprises of the country, it is reported on the website of the higher education institution.

It is specified that the small innovative enterprises of TPU JSC NTP Semantika and JSC Potentsial won competition of The New Eurasia Foundation with their development within the international program for development of innovative business "Eureka". Residents of Tomsk went to Israel as participants of this program.

"Meetings with local producers which are considered the best in the world are planned. Today robots of Israel in the technical characteristics surpass even robots of Japan. Their advices and recommendations in completion and improvement of the "robot-teacher" are interesting to us”, – one of developers of the robot, the representative of "Semantics" Konstantin Ivanov is quoted in the message.

Tomsk scientists also plan to visit local schools In Israel to learn how Israelis use robots in training and to apply their experience in Tomsk. It is added that "robot-teacher" already got support of the authorities on production and delivery to schools of Tomsk for carrying out lessons, and the development "Electrocardiogram express" is prepared for use in Tomsk scientific research institute of Cardiology.

It was earlier reported that TPU scientists developed unique nanosensors and created the first-ever electrocardiograph for identification of predisposition to sudden warm death on their basis. The project received federal financing of 45 million rubles.

It was reported also that in TPU the robot-teacher "Mobirobot" working at base of a smart phone was created. It will help school students to study physics, mathematics, chemistry, and also to make various practical experiments playfully.

Сайт РИА Томск /riatomsk.ru/ содержит информацию, подготовленную Региональным информационным агентством "Томск" (РИА Томск) с территорией распространения – Российская Федерация, зарубежные страны.
РИА Томск зарегистрировано в Федеральной службе по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор) 06 ноября 2019 г. Свидетельство о регистрации ИА № ФС 77-77122.
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