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9:01 AM  January 14, 2022

TUSUR to reveal the secrets of molecular biology to Tomsk citizens

© РИА Томск. Таисия ВоронцоваTUSUR to reveal the secrets of molecular biology to Tomsk citizens

TOMSK, Jan 14 – RIA Tomsk. Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR) will hold a series of open seminars on synthetic biology; the first meeting will take place online as early as Saturday, January 15, an employee of the university's press service told RIA Tomsk.

According to him, the first lecture will be held with the support of the administration of the Tomsk region at TUSUR online platform on January 15, starting at 3 pm (Tomsk time). The seminar will be broadcast on the university's YouTube channel.

"TUSUR is launching a series of open seminars on synthetic biology. Experts from various universities and research institutes will introduce Tomsk residents to various aspects of this new field of molecular biology. PhD in Biology Dmitry Kwon will talk about modern molecular genetic technologies on the online platform of TUSUR on January 15", – said a source of information.

He specified that Kwon is the Head of the Center for Collective Use "Core Sequencing Center" of the Kurchatov Center for Genome Research. The scientist will familiarize the audience with modern molecular genetic technologies, talk about what genetic instrumentation is, and answer the question of why a domestic genetic printer is needed.

According to the press officer, TUSUR and the Kurchatov Institute are collaborating on a project to create a genetic printer that "prints" DNA and RNA fragments. Micran is also involved in this work.

"In 2021, TUSUR won a tender from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation for the creation of a domestic instrumentation base for genetic technologies. The researchers will receive 320 million rubles for this work as part of the federal scientific and technical program for the development of genetic technologies for 2019-2027", – he explained.

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