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7:32 PM  January 17, 2022

TSU analysts compile a digital portrait of an eSports fan

© предоставил Вячеслав ГойкоTSU analysts compile a digital portrait of an eSports fan

TOMSK, Jan 17 – RIA Tomsk. Big data analysts of Tomsk State University (TSU) have studied the profiles of more than 5.6 million people on the social network VKontakte and compiled a digital portrait of an eSports fan, the university's website reported on Monday.

It is specified that the research was conducted by employees of the TSU Center for Applied Big Data Analysis. They identified more than 30 thousand communities having the word "eSports" ("cybersport") in the title or description in VKontakte. Communities that did not fit the theme and were irrelevant to the study were sifted out, leaving 752 communities for analysis.

"They were classified according to thematic categories: team groups, news and "near-eSports" publics, betting on computer games, federations and leagues and computer clubs. The authors of the study analyzed the profiles of more than 5.6 million subscribers of the found communities," the report said.

An analysis of the socio-demographic characteristics of subscribers showed that 89% of participants of eSports communities are males. As for age, the largest number of users is in the 18-35 age bracket. Their main mass is concentrated in the European and central parts of the Russian Federation.

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"Women more often subscribe to eSports team publics than others, which may indicate their interest in particular teams in eSports. For example, in the Imperial Pro Gaming community, the share of women among subscribers was 41%. Women are less common in communities devoted to federations and betting," the university's press service said.

It adds that analysts are planning another study. Together with psychologists they will study how keenness on eSports affects academic performance and paint a psychological profile of the players. If the first study used the analysis of big data, the second will be a formalized interview, that is used sociological methodology.

Earlier it was reported that eSports is part of a new direction of socio-humanitarian engineering at TSU within the framework of the Priority 2030 program. The university is studying eSports in three aspects - as a sport, as a tool to influence cognitive abilities, and as an element of impact on a person's psycho-emotional state.

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