27 апреля 2024  |  
7:31 PM  April 24, 2017

SSMU get 100 million rub under the program of supporting universities

© РИА Томск. Павел СтефанскийSSMU get 100 million rub under the program of supporting universities

TOMSK, Apr 24 – RIA Tomsk. Siberian State Medical University (SSMU) will receive in 2017 100 million rubles from the federal budget for development as a supporting university, the representative of the medical university reported RIA Tomsk on Monday.

Earlier it was reported that SSMU became the only Tomsk higher educational institution which received the status of the supporting university. Within five years it has to must fulfill the approved development program, for which it will receive funds from the regional and federal budgets. During the time of participation in the program, SSMU plans to increase the number of students from 5.7 thousand to 10 thousand people.

"Under the program of supporting universities for 2017 for us be allocated 100 million rubles of federal funds", - the interlocutor of the agency said.

© РИА Томск. Яков Андреев
Also it was reported that in addition to federal funds, the medical higher education institution will receive regional financing. The subsidy sum from the regional treasury wasn't called.

As the rector of the university Olga Kobyakova said on Monday, SSMU will rely on the development of interdisciplinary directions both in the training of specialists and in the carrying out of scientific research. In particular, this is about the use of IT-technologies in medicine, robotics, mathematical modeling in biomedicine and others.

She explained that together with other universities (first of all – Tomsk) SSMU plans to create network master programs for training of specialists for the new directions." (It is also planned) to create interdisciplinary teams. In pure form physicians won't cope with tasks which face medical science. Also technicians won't cope with them", – the rector added.

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