1 сентября 2024  |  
8:46 PM  December 27, 2021

SCP cooperates with foreign nuclear materials suppliers for 30 years

© РИА Томск. Павел СтефанскийSCP cooperates with foreign nuclear materials suppliers for 30 years

TOMSK, Dec 27 – RIA Tomsk. Siberian Chemical Plant (SCP, part of Rosatom's fuel company TVEL) can process any radioactive raw material and has been working on relevant contracts with foreign partners for more than 30 years; SCP has been receiving nuclear materials under a contract with EDF since 2018, the combine's press service said, citing SCP head Sergey Kotov.

It was previously reported that Greenpeace published information about the importation of regenerated uranium from France to Seversk, Tomsk region, in the autumn of 2021. The movement considers this material as radioactive waste. Rosatom responded that the material was the raw material used by the SCP to make fuel for Russian nuclear power plants. Later, the management of the SCP acknowledged the fact of waste generation during the processing.

"We have been cooperating with foreign firms for more than thirty years and we know how to process any uranium feedstock," the press office quotes the SCP CEO, who recently made a report on the work of the plant in 2021 before the Seversk Duma.

Kotov answered questions from lawmakers about reprocessing nuclear materials and the safety of their processing. In particular, he said, the contract between Russia's TENEX and France's EDF (Électricité de France) was concluded publicly in 2018 at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum.

"The SCP has fully completed the conservation of the open storage facilities for liquid radioactive waste - pools B-1 and B-25," the press service added, referring to the head of the plant.

As reported earlier, the plant`s management stressed that the processing of foreign materials does not lead to an increase in the volume of radioactive waste. Currently, only Russian and French regenerates are being recycled at Seversk.

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