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11:37 AM  December 28, 2021

Holdings in 2021 purchased products of Tomsk companies by 10 bln more

© РИА Томск. Павел СтефанскийHoldings in 2021 purchased products of Tomsk companies by 10 bln more

TOMSK, Dec 28 – RIA Tomsk. The volume of supplies from Tomsk industrial enterprises to Russian vertically integrated holdings in 2021 amounted to 35 billion rubles; cooperation is developing within the framework of eight roadmaps signed by the regional administration with the management of corporations, the press service of the regional administration reported on Tuesday.

It was previously reported that the Tomsk region enterprises have been increasing supplies of their products to vertically integrated holdings and state corporations, such as Gazprom, Gazprom Neft, Rosseti, Inter RAO, SIBUR, TVEL, Rosneft and Almaz-Antey since 2013 as part of import substitution. From 2013 to 2019, supplies of Tomsk products exceeded the amount of 55 billion rubles, and in 2020 - 25 billion.

"In 2021, the Tomsk region enterprises supplied the largest vertically integrated holdings of the Russian Federation with products worth 35 billion rubles... Since 2012, eight roadmaps (have been signed) with the largest Russian companies," says the report.

It is specified that Gazprom signed two long-term contracts for the supply of import-substituting products with AO Tomsk Electromechanical Plant and AO Micran. "Gazprom Neft uses cable and conductor products from OOO Tomskkabel and block oilfield equipment from OOO Tomsk Electronic Company in its major projects.

In 2021, OOO Tomsk Cable Plant, OAO Manotom and AO Micran supplied the most products to PJSC SIBUR's divisions. The main suppliers of PJSC Inter RAO were Research Institute for Semiconductor Devices, OOO Novochem, OOO Fizteh, OOO Incom, OOO Elcomplus and SIAM Company.

Sibkabel and Tomskkabel cable and conductor products were certified and recommended for use at PJSC ROSSETI's facilities. The backbone structure of the roadmap with Almaz-Antey Concern included Micran, Research Institute for Semiconductor Devices and TUSUR, the press service added.

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