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10:34 AM  January 11, 2022

Drilling at a zinc deposit near Tomsk to start in 2022

© предоставил Павел ВерещагинDrilling at a zinc deposit near Tomsk to start in 2022

TOMSK, Jan 11 – RIA Tomsk. Tomsk Investment Construction Company (TISK) plans to start drilling for exploration at the Turuntaevo polymetallic deposit in the Tomsk region in January-February 2022; zinc is planned to be mined by shaft or mixed method, TISK director Alexander Belyayev told RIA Tomsk.

Earlier it was reported that in 2018 TISK launched a project to develop the Turuntaevo polymetallic ore occurrence, located 60 kilometers from the regional center - in the village of Turuntaevo, Tomsk district. The company plans to produce one million tons of zinc at the deposit, with mining planned to start after 2023.

"Active drilling work at the Turuntaevo polymetallic ore occurrence will start at the end of January - beginning of February. Contracts for the work are being signed with contractors. Sphalerite is the main material at Turuntaevo. Zinc is extracted from it," Belyayev said.

According to the interlocutor of the agency, the mining of minerals at the Turuntaevo field is planned by mine method. But it is possible to start with an open pit with a further move into the mines. It is planned to create at least 200 jobs.

"As of today, mining, if it is done within the limits of the law, does not harm nature... There are many requirements which must be observed in order not to cause any harm. There are also special environmental impact assessments," said Belyayev when asked about possible environmental consequences.

It was also previously reported that TISK Group was founded in 2006. It holds several licenses for mining of minerals on the territory of the Tomsk region: for extraction and processing of sand, sand-gravel mix, fractionated gravel, crushed stone, clay and shale. TISK Geogold, a subsidiary, has been exploring a gold deposit near the Larinsky reserve since 2018.

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