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4:21 PM  January 12, 2022

Tomsk xenon cream will enter the US market in 2022

© РИА Томск. Tomsk xenon cream will enter the US market in 2022
© РИА Томск. Tomsk xenon cream will enter the US market in 2022

TOMSK, Jan 12 – RIA Tomsk. The Xeolab company, which opened production of cosmetics with xenon in Tomsk, plans to send the first batch of its cream to the USA this year, the head of the company Ilya Verkhovsky told RIA Tomsk.

It was previously reported that Tomsk specialists have developed a method of delivery of biologically active substances into the body through the skin with the help of xenon inert gas. The scientists used the method to make cosmetics, which were successfully sold in South-East Asia and in Russia up to 2020 under the brand name aleexe. In 2021, the developers opened production of cosmetics with xenon in the Tomsk Special Economic Zone (SEZ).

"In the SEZ, we created the first batch of Zeenon universal moisturizing cream - it is a purely American brand, we developed it specifically for an American company, which is run by a practitioner who knows about the positive properties of xenon. The first batch of 7,000 units will be shipped at the beginning of the year," Verkhovsky said.

He specified that today Xeolab is able to produce various cosmetic products at its production facilities in the SEZ, up to 27 thousand pieces per month.

According to Verkhovsky, the production of cosmetics was aimed at fine-tuning the technology, testing the formulations for different skin types and getting feedback from the market. The new cosmetics are characterized by advanced eco-friendly formulations. All developments are patented and have no analogues. The new cream has been tested, including in the USA.

Xenon is an inert gas. A common association with it is xenon headlights. According to Verkhovsky, xenon is used not only in industry, but also in medicine. In particular, therapeutic xenon inhalations improve the general state of people, including in times of stress. These procedures are not widespread yet, as xenon is expensive (one liter of gas costs 2.7 thousand rubles; one inhalation requires approximately 4-5 liters).

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