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TOMSK, Apr 18 – RIA Tomsk. Scientists of Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU)
with colleagues from Novosibirsk and Mexico created the means with silver
nanoparticles, helping people suffering from diabetic foot syndrome to prevent
ulcers appearance, the head of the Department of Physical and Analytical
Chemistry TPU Alexey Pestryakov told RIA Tomsk.
According to him, the syndrome
of diabetic foot (SDF) – is one of the recent and most serious complications of
diabetes. Due to the large amount of sugar the nerves, vessels, bone and other
body tissues change. This becomes a cause of infections, sores and festering on
the foot, which ultimately can lead to amputation. Ulcers on the legs at risk of
up to 15% of patients with diabetes.
"It is the joint project in which
participate we (TPU), Novosibirsk company SPC "Vector-Vita" and
National autonomous university of Mexico. Together, we are developing a gel
with silver nanoparticles, which will be applied inside on all surface of
footwear. The gel has antifungal and antibacterial effect. Foot cream and
treatment solution are also developed ", – Pestryakov has told.
© Дмитрий Цехановский
He has
explained that antibacterial properties of silver promote fast healing of ulcers
and suppurations. "Development has passed clinical tests. At the patients
using the footwear processed by the gel with silver nanoparticles, and
processing legs with our preparation, ulcers standing healed, the risk of
amputations considerably decreased", – Pestryakov has noted.
The scientist
has added that the price of this means is low. Now developers of gel are
looking for the industrial partner who would introduce technologies in
production. According to the university, TPU scientists for many years are
engaged in the development of medical supplies on the basis of silver
nanoparticles, possessing universal effect on viruses, bacteria and fungi. With
colleagues from Mexico they cooperate about 10 years, the development of
gel for footwear is conducted within the framework of economic agreements with
the Mexican university.