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12:32 PM  March 29, 2017

TPU scientists found a way to kill bacteria with gold "nano-stars"

© с сайта Томского политехнического университетаTPU scientists found a way to kill bacteria with gold nano-stars

TOMSK, Mar 29 – RIA Tomsk. Scientists of Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) found a way to modify gold nanoparticles of a special star-shaped form in a way that they kill bacteria under the influence of a laser; nanoparticles can be included in composition of medical materials, for example, in operating tables, the press service of the university said on Wednesday.

It is specified that particles of gold themselves, which for an unusual form are called "star-shaped", and methods of their synthesis were described earlier. Scientists of Tomsk Polytechnic University together with colleagues from University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague could modify their surface so that they interacted with membranes of cells better, and also showed the antibacterial properties of these nanoparticles.

"Organic compounds on the surface of the particles allow them to attach better to the membrane. The physics of the process then comes into the play: the laser excites a plasmon resonance, and nanoparticles begin to burn cellular membrane, destroying bacterium", – the associate professor of the Department of Technology of Organic Substances and Polymer Materials TPU Pavel Postnikov is quoted in the message.

© РИА Томск. Элеонора Черная
According to scientists, star-shaped nanoparticles can be used for creation of new medical materials. For example, those, of which operating tables are made, furniture and other objects for operating rooms and hospitals. Without light influence material will be inert or with weak antibacterial activity, and under light of the laser it will destroy bacteria.

It is explained that now in hospitals for fight against dangerous microorganisms ultraviolet radiation from a quartz lamp is using, but it can do much harm to the person. Light activating star-shaped nanoparticles is safe. Other way of disinfection – is antibiotics, but their efficiency decreases when bacteria begin "to get used" to them and to produce certain enzymes.

"Bacteria have no mechanisms of protection against nanoparticles, and even in the theory they can't develop stability. Nanoparticles can be compared to a sledge hammer for a bacterium, from it there is just no protection", – noted in the university.

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