15 февраля 2025  |  
2:35 PM  July 31, 2017

Mexican veterinarians treat dogs for distemper with TPU created drug

© Александра АстафьеваMexican veterinarians treat dogs for distemper with TPU created drug

TOMSK, Jul 31 – RIA Tomsk. Mexican veterinarians confirmed the high efficiency of the drug based on silver nanoparticles "Argovit", developed by scientists of Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU); with its help veterinarians have already cured 13 dogs of the distemper, the press service of the university said on Monday.

It is explained that the distemper – is the most pernicious disease for dogs, which is accompanied by a disorder of the functions of gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, respiratory tract, nervous system depression. The virus isn't transmitted to the person, but it can become its carrier. To treat dogs it's used a serum with antibodies and a strong dose of vitamins. Treatment can last a long time and cause a number of changes in the body.

"The results of treatment of distemper-infected dogs with the drug "Argovit" in a number of veterinary clinics in Mexico showed that almost all four-footed patients recovered in a rather fast period, and 13 dogs have been successfully cured today", – is said in the statement.

As the head of the Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry of TPU Alexey Pestryakov told the press service of the university, the drug proves the efficiency at treatment of all sick animals, except for those that are on the last, the fourth stage of the disease, when the virus affects a brain.

© РИА Томск. Павел Стефанский
"Now veterinary medications on the basis of "Argovit" are tested by the doctor Antonio Peno, the president of board of veterinarians of Ensenada (the city in the north of Mexico). He uses them in the practice, and we receive from him very positive reviews. I will notice that citizens of not only Mexico, but also citizens of the United States bring their pets into his clinic", – Pestryakov is quoted in the report.

According to the university, the drug – is an aqueous solution in which 20% is a complex of silver nanoparticles with a polymer stabilizer ranging in size from 1 to 70 nanometers. "Argovit" has been tested in Russia and abroad on more than 25 types of diseases. Despite the unique production process, preparations based on "Argovit" are cheaper than antibiotics. Scientists intend to certify the development already as a medicine for people.

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