TOMSK, Apr 20 – RIA Tomsk. Medicine based on silver will be
tested in Mexico: experts check its effectiveness in diabetic foot syndrome treatment.
According to one of the developers, professor of Tomsk Polytechnic University
(TPU) Alexey Pestryakov, medicine can also fight against more terrible
diseases, such as cancer and HIV. In more detail – in the material of RIA
What is a "diabetic foot"
Diabetes mellitus itself is not an infectious disease, but due to circulatory
disorders in diabetics, there is often a "diabetic foot syndrome" – the main blood flow in the lower extremities decreases, the sensitivity of the
legs rises, the slightest rubbing can grow to ulcers. And then the leg begins
to literally rot ...
"Beauty" of what is happening the professor of Research School of
Chemistry & Applied Biomedical Sciences of TPU Alexey Pestryakov describes
as follows: "One of my graduate students at the sight of a neglected case
In Russia, neglected cases are still rare, but in poor countries where hygiene
is very bad, this is one of the most common causes of death. For example, in
Mexico, which is the second most widely spread diabetes in the world after the
United States (due to a sweet tooth, basically), a significant proportion of
patients die who are diagnosed with diabetic foot syndrome. "Lucky"
get off lightly with legs amputated.
"In the ten years that we tested our "silver" drug in Mexico,
with the help of scientists from National Autonomous University of Mexico
(UNAM), not a single patient was lost – not a single leg was cut! Over 600
people were cured, and among they were very old people, for 80-90 years", – emphasizes the professor Pestryakov.
He remembers how sometimes he had to buy tickets for the patients: "As
soon as the improvements began, they stopped going to us – they say it's
expensive to spend money on the bus. People were poor. We paid them tickets so
long as they were treated to the end, and we would have received a complete
medical history. Now we have begun preparations for conducting official
clinical trials in Mexico".
How a new medicine treats
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Back in the 1990s, a group of scientists from Novosibirsk Academgorodok (now
the SPC Vector Vita) started developing a drug for the treatment of diabetic
foot syndrome. In the early 2000s, Pestryakov's research group joined them.
Because of the difficult situation of science in the 1990s, part of the team
moved to other cities and to Mexico, and over time, a triumvirate – Tomsk – Novosibirsk – Mexico, which is the nucleus until now – has developed in the
"From the very beginning of this work, the Mexican doctor, Cesar Almonasi,
participates in the project, he actually paved the way for this topic with his
enthusiasm. Then the Spaniards, Cubans and others joined us. Now this is a
large international team that has achieved great success. In total at us there
are 15 scientific groups, each of which is engaged in its own direction", – Alexey Pestryakov says.
The diabetic foot syndrome – is one of them, because colloidal silver
"beats" everything - both viruses, bacteria, and fungi, and not only
in humans: the drug treats both animals and plants.
Pestryakov explains: the healing power of silver is known since the Phoenician
times. But this concerned its ionic form, which acts only on bacteria. But now
about 80% of infectious diseases have a viral nature ...
Preparations based on colloidal silver (that is, suspended metal
microparticles, ranging in size from 1 to 20 nanometers) were produced since
the 1930s – protargoles, collargol and others known to all Soviet mothers. But
the stabilizer of silver in them was so harmful that the toxicity of the drug
crossed out all the benefits of treating the main "sores".
"We picked up a very good stabilizer – an analog of blood plasma, which is
not harmful, and itself is a detoxifier for the body", – the scientist
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In the world are produced hundreds of preparations based on colloidal silver. They have opponents, but professor Pestryakov emphasizes: "At our dosages, there are no negative effects. Moreover, our silver is much less toxic than modern antibiotics".
Researchers officially declare 23 diseases which are treated by their drug.
Also, it is not addictive, and bacteria do not form stable strains to it, it is
fundamentally important:
"When penicillin was invented, the first stable strain of bacteria was
formed in forty years. Now after the release of the next generation of
antibiotics, resistant strains appear in a few months, pharmacorporations no
longer have time to get back the money spent for the development. Therefore in
recent years there have been practically no new antibiotics – only modification
of old", – the interlocutor tells.
He also emphasizes the low price of the drug and the lack of allergy to it
("Allergic reactions to modern medicines have already become a big problem
for many patients, especially children", – the scientist says).
All this would sound like a drug advertising, there is no drug officially
preseted. In Russia, this development is certified as a dietary supplement and
as a veterinary drug, in a free sale in Tomsk it can not be found at all – only
in Novosibirsk and Mexico.
Deliveries from Mexico on orders are carried out in dozens of countries, mainly
Hispanic – Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Spain and others. "There is
no prophet in his homeland", – the polytechnician grins.
© Валерий Доронин
To get a certificate as a veterinary is incomparably simpler. Scientists tested its effectiveness in a number of large Novosibirsk and Kemerovo farms, processing at each several thousand of calves, geese or chickens. Mortality of calves decreased by 3-4 times, geese–by 4-5 times,chickens–by 20 times
How to get recognition in Russia
The scientist says that in 1990-2000 the silver drug was actively tested in
Novosibirsk – the doctors of 12 research and medical institutions agreed to
participate in the so-called clinical approbation, when the doctor with the
patient's consent can use an uncertified preparation.
"But in the course of time the tests in Russia calmed down – many
enthusiastic doctors retired, the legislation became tougher. We gradually
moved all the tests to Mexico, where we are systematically supported by the
government, TPU has been contracting them for 17 years", – says Alexey
To be certified in the Russian market as a medicine, it is necessary to conduct
clinical trials, and this costs at least 50 million rubles, perhaps more. And
scientists have no such means.
"Therefore we will carry out clinical tests in Mexico. Of course, we will
not be able to work with the Mexican certificate on the Russian market, but I
hope that when Russia sees officially confirmed results, it will be easier to
get recognition from the Russian medical community", – says Pestryakov,
adding that scientists are trying to use the Russian authorities to support
clinical trials in our country.
He believes in the prospects of the drug – precisely because it solves a lot of
problems. For example, it can treat drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis, and
it is very, very actual for the Tomsk region. Colloidal silver has shown its
effectiveness even on the AIDS virus (in vitro), but, Pestryakov says, further
studies in this direction have stopped:
"For the further tests on AIDS we need seriously equipped laboratories of
the 4th class of danger, they are few in the world, so we stopped this
direction. But now we have shifted the focus of attention to cancer – I think
our drug has very serious prospects in this topic".